Brambles Bed and Breakfast
Whitnage Cottage | Whitnage | Uplowman | Tiverton | Devon | EX16 7DS
01884 829211  |  Email


Other Accommodation

Tiverton offers a variety of accommodation options including well-known hotel chains like Premier Inn and Travelodge, as well as bed and breakfasts, guesthouses, and Airbnb rentals. Whether you prefer a more traditional stay or a contemporary setting, there are plenty of choices to suit your style and budget while exploring Tiverton.


1 / 3
Main Path
2 / 3
Top Lawn and Back Border
3 / 3
Red Lupins
Main Path
Red Lupins

1 / 3
Uplowman Village
2 / 3
Grand Western Canal in the Autumn
3 / 3
Sheep in a Field
Uplowman Village
Grand Western Canal in the Autumn
Sheep in a field

Brambles Bed and Breakfast
Whitnage Cottage | Whitnage | Uplowman | Tiverton | Devon | EX16 7DS
01884 829211  |  Email