Brambles Bed and Breakfast
Whitnage Cottage | Whitnage | Uplowman | Tiverton | Devon | EX16 7DS
01884 829211  |  Email

Birds of Prey Centres near Tiverton in Devon

There are several bird of prey centers in Devon, including the Hawkridge Bird of Prey Centre in Somerset, the Devon Bird of Prey Centre in Newton Abbot, the Dartmoor Hawking in Chudleigh and the Yarak Birds of Prey at Langford, near Cullompton . These centers offer opportunities to see various species of birds of prey up close, learn about their conservation efforts, and even participate in falconry experiences. Visitors can witness flying displays, take part in handling sessions, and gain insights into the welfare and conservation of these fascinating creatures.

Hawkridge Birds of Prey in Devon is a popular destination for bird lovers and those interested in learning about various species of birds of prey. They offer educational experiences and demonstrations where visitors can interact with the birds in a natural setting. With a focus on conservation and education, Hawkridge Birds of Prey provides a unique opportunity to observe and appreciate these magnificent creatures up close. Devon Bird of Prey Centre in Newton Abbot is a wonderful place to visit for bird enthusiasts and nature lovers. The center offers a unique opportunity to see and learn about a variety of birds of prey up close, and visitors can even participate in handling sessions. It's a great experience for both adults and children, and a chance to appreciate the beauty and power of these magnificent creatures in a natural setting. Dartmoor Hawking is a traditional falconry experience that takes place on Dartmoor National Park in England. Participants have the opportunity to handle and fly trained birds of prey in their natural habitat, while learning about the history and techniques of falconry. It is a unique and immersive way to connect with these majestic creatures and the ancient art of hunting with birds of prey. Yarak Birds of Prey is a falconry centre located in Devon, England, specializing in educational experiences with a variety of birds of prey. Visitors have the opportunity to learn about and interact with these magnificent birds through flying displays, handling sessions, and other activities. It is a popular destination for bird enthusiasts and those looking to learn more about these fascinating creatures.

There are several owl centres in Devon and Somerset. Some popular ones include the Devon Bird of Prey Centre in Newton Abbot, the Exmoor Owl & Hawk Centre in Minehead, and the Tamar Otter and Wildlife Centre in Cornwall, which also houses owls among other animals. These centres offer the opportunity to see a variety of owl species up close and learn more about these fascinating birds of prey.

The Exmoor Owl & Hawk Centre in Minehead is a unique and fascinating destination for bird enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Offering interactive experiences with a variety of owls and hawks, visitors have the opportunity to learn about these magnificent birds of prey up close. The center also aims to promote conservation efforts and educate the public about the importance of wildlife preservation. It is definitely worth a visit for an unforgettable and educational experience. The Tamar Otter and Wildlife Centre, located in Cornwall, England, is a popular destination for wildlife enthusiasts and visitors wanting to learn about otters and other local wildlife in a natural setting. The center offers educational programs, interactive experiences, and conservation efforts to raise awareness about otters and their role in the ecosystem, making it a valuable resource for both locals and tourists.

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Brambles Bed and Breakfast
Whitnage Cottage | Whitnage | Uplowman | Tiverton | Devon | EX16 7DS
01884 829211  |  Email